PSP has the data that you need to hire safe drivers.
According to the FMCSA companies using PSP to screen new hires lower their crash rate by 8% and driver out-of-service rates by 17%, on average, compared to those that do not use PSP. PSP enables carriers to make well-informed hiring decisions by offering secure electronic access to a commercial driver’s five-year crash history and three-year inspection record, sourced from the FMCSA Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). These records are accessible to commercial drivers, motor carriers, and companies involved in pre-employment screening within the carrier industry.
A PSP record provides a detailed overview of a driver’s safety history, including the most recent five years of crash data and three years of roadside inspection data, as recorded in the FMCSA Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Unlike Motor Vehicle Records (MVRs), which rely on state-level data, MCMIS is a federal government database.
Each PSP record includes the motor carrier the driver was operating for at the time of a crash or inspection, as well as the date and location of the event. Crash data encompasses additional safety details, such as injuries, fatalities, and towaways. Similarly, inspection data indicates whether a vehicle was placed out of service and other relevant details.
Following a data review request, a PSP record may be updated to reflect a determination that a crash was non-preventable or to revise information if a driver is convicted of a different charge.
It is important to note that a PSP record does not include a score. You can view a sample PSP record for reference.
PSP records are snapshots of a driver’s history based on the most recent data load from the MCMIS into the PSP system. These updates occur approximately once per month.
PSP is a voluntary program both for carriers and for drivers. However, PSP has proven safety benefits for motor carriers.